Dear Editor,
It was reported some weeks ago that Zoom Airlines had gone bankrupt. Little information was given in the media concerning this. There are several Guyanese who are affected by this and information to clarify the position of the affected customers is hard to come by. The travel agencies are not giving satisfactory information to their customers, and the following questions have been left unanswered:
Will the customers who booked advance flights be refunded? If so when and by whom? Is it the responsibility of the travel agencies to obtain these refunds and pass the same on to the customers? Or are the customers left to fend on their own? Should customers take legal action against the travel agency? What part is being played by the government? Will the government step in, in the interest of the Guyanese affected? How soon will information on refunds be published and by whom?
Yours faithfully,
Sam Itellu
Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Mr Manniram Prashad for any comments he may wish to make.