Members of the private sector yesterday donated a model Dutch ship created by local artist Stowell Michael to the National Museum.

The model, which captivated visitors when it was unveiled during CARIFESTA X, was handed over by chartered accountant Christopher Ram during a small ceremony at the museum.
Ram, who along with Laurie Lewis and Norman McLean, organised the purchase on behalf of the private sector, said the decision to purchase the craft was born out of a sense of nationalism as well as pride in the work, which demonstrated the level of craftsmanship local artists are capable of.
After approaching Stowell and his father about purchasing the model, Ram said “Both I suspect, out of a sense of nationalism and pride that their product would be for the people and visitors of Guyana to see the level of craftsmanship in our country, they not only agreed to hold it while the money was found to pay for it but also agreed to what amounted to a 30% discount off the price they were looking for.”
Ram also used the occasion to make a general appeal for support for the preservation of the arts. “Let us make sure we keep our artistic collection at home,” he said, while adding that preserving the country’s culture and art requires more than the government’s efforts. “I therefore appeal to the business community and the non-governmental sector and better off individuals to give generously to those causes. The nation would be richer for it.”
Contributions for the purchase of the ship were made by DDL, Courts, Banks DIH, MACORP, Telecoms Solutions Guyana Ltd, TCL, Sol, Caribbean Containers, Citizen’s Bank, Demerara Bank, Edward Beharry & Co., the GGMC and Toolsie Persaud Ltd.
In addition to the ship, a $20,000 donation was also handed over to the museum to cover the initial cost of mounting the display.