Dear Editor,
In Bartica garbage and flooding are two of our main problems. Bartica is a high place and it is not supposed to flood, since our drains were concreted not so long ago.
Residents keep complaining on my programme, ‘The Peoples Voice’ every Sunday afternoon on Channel 5.
Their garbage is not being collected by the NDC. This causes frustration and some residents dump it anywhere at nights; some burn theirs; some dump in the river and some give it to the junkies who dump wherever, and this causes blockages in the drains and culverts. The outfall drains between First and Second Streets are under a forest of bushes − all blocked up.
Of the two metal pipe kokers, one is blocked. The intake area for the pipe kokers is filled with garbage and mud, etc. When cows are slaughtered the abattoir dumps all animal waste − skins guts, heads, etc, overboard. This washes up on the beaches between swimmers, tourists, etc.
Recently behind the abattoir an 8ft 8 in camoudie snake was killed. Children and adults swim around that area.
There could be other reptiles feeding on the animal waste thrown overboard. This is a major threat for tourism. Cows, horses and donkeys frequent the Bandstand and Regatta Pavilion shed − waiting to see the boat races.
About the Regatta Pavilion site: No attention has been paid to the park. Only a week before Easter will some attention be paid to the area. Two Regattas are held yearly, yet no money is spent on the Regatta site.
Are we ready for tourism and town status? Come on, whoever is concerned in Region 7; take the shame out of your faces and spend the profits from both Regattas on the sites so our youths could benefit.
Yours faithfully,
Winston Miller, Snr
Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Bartica NDC Chairman, Mr Gerald Joseph, for any comments he may wish to make.