Dear Editor,
It is not often that I write letters to the editor, particularly when it does not concern the media. Therefore, I am using this means as a last resort to express my utter dissatisfaction at the poor quality of service being provided by the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) to the residents of Kingston, Georgetown.
Dating back to the drilling of a new well by the Trinidadian firm, Sadhna, in Kingston the residents of this ward have been suffering from low water pressure, exceeded only by the plethora of excuses one gets from GWI depending on whom one speaks with.
At the level of the junior to middle-level staff, I recall being told at that time that there was an electrical fault at the pump and later the same day being told by a very senior member of the company that a main had broken, resulting in low water pressure to the ward.
As the problem persisted, I was again forced to call the senior member of the company again some months later, only to be given the almost identical excuse of a broken main. At this juncture, I wish to point out that even when the pressure (perhaps by GWI’s standards) improves, it is scarcely high enough to provide water to the upper flat.
Since Thursday, 2nd October, 2008 the pressure has dropped again, the worst that it has ever been. Routinely, one has to fetch water from upstairs for almost every chore whenever there is no rain for a prolonged period.
I wish to put GWI on notice that I intend to lodge a formal complaint with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and to take advantage of all investigatory processes that are being established to probe the performance of the company.
Yours faithfully,
D. Chabrol