Dear Editor,
The commercialization of festivals associated with Hinduism; sadly, with the sanction of the Government, is hurting the sentiments of this very tolerant community.
Lord Natraj danced and Lord Krishna played the basuriya, so revelry is an essential part of Hindu resonances and kathas.
The sacred texts have transposed the centuries, from generation to generation, through narration, drama, song, and dance – the Ram Leelas, for instance.
However, nowhere in our centuries-long cultural history is there precedent for showcasing the physical endowments of our Lakshmis as a celebratory aspect of our festivals – especially our religious-based festivals.
Mahalakshmi epitomizes all that is bright, beautiful, and divine in the entire spectrum of our religious landscape. But the commercialization through prostituting the spirit of the embodiment of our great mother of light has degraded the soul of Hinduism.
And this has the sanction of the Government. Many Government officials are Hindus, with the understanding beyond the normal of the sacredness of our great religion.
Then why is the Government supporting the kind of activity that creates anguish in the hearts of the devotees of the Mother of Light.
Our womenfolk are the diyas shining with radiance in our homes. Our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, our wives are traditionally the honour of our families, so why are we parading in public the Lakshmis of our nation like cattle on an auction block?
The Hindu community is feeling very betrayed by our leaders.
In this regard, if it is impossible to withdraw this programme, the Hindus would wish that the organizers, the Guyana National Diwali Committee, refrain from using the word Diwali; keep the parade outside of the period of Diwali and not have alcoholic beverages featured in their event.
Yours faithfully,
Dindiall Maraj