Senior Environmental Officer Alicia Foster was laid to rest at Parika yesterday following tributes and a funeral service at the Our Lady of Fatima church, North Road, George-town.
Her burial comes at a time when investigators have released a suspect who reportedly matched the description of the man who carried out the attack, two Sundays ago. So far no one else had been held and according to a senior police officer investigations are continuing.
The celebration of her life began with an hour long viewing at the Merriman’s Funeral home.
Foster’s body was later taken to the Our Lady of Fatima for further viewing and the funeral service.
During the service, representatives of the Environ-mental Protection Agency (where she was employed), the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), the Leo Club of Bel Air, close relatives and friends paid tribute as they reflected on her life.
There were songs, prayers, readings and the Eulogy which was done by Arthur Foster.

The church was packed yesterday as many turned up to pay their last respects to the 25-year-old whose life ended when she was shot in the face by an unknown gunman who later fled in her car.
Members of the media who turned up were asked to leave.
It was a little before 10 pm on October 12 when James Foster responded to the persistent sounding of the buzzer and looked outside to see Alicia lying on the road. Reports are that the gunman and another man had been laying in wait, watching as Alicia pulled up opposite her home in Thomas Street, Kitty.
As she waited on her younger sister to open the gate so that she could drive in, one of the men went up to the car and demanded that she get out.
It was at this point that she was shot in the face and flung from the vehicle. The gunman then jumped into her car and drove away while his accomplice also fled the scene. A post-mortem examination conducted last week revealed that she died as a result of a gunshot wound to the head.
The day after the shooting around 9 am, the woman’s car PHH 2236 was found abandoned at Well Road, North Ruimveldt minus the keys.
The woman’s father James Foster had told Stabroek News that his daughter was not the victim of a carjacking or a robbery. He said nothing was taken from her except her life and he believed that something is amiss.
He had no answers at the time but said someday it would come to light. Meanwhile, he was prepared to let the police handle the matter.
Police arrested a suspect last Friday but he was released after he was not recognized at an identification parade.