Dear Editor,
To be alive at this moment, November 4, is a privilege of being part of history as we witnessed democracy in action which permitted the voice of the people through the ballot box to choose a Black man (Barack Obama) to be the 44th President elect of the USA.
Just who is this man who defied the odds and where did he emerge from − they claimed he lacked experience and so many other qualities, and it was a hard battle. He was innovative in his campaign fund-raising and voter registration. Just a few years ago he appeared on the political platform through his eloquent speech at the Democratic Convention, and later came to prominence with the release of his book Audacity of Hope.
It was regrettable that those who fashioned his life − his parents and particularly his grandmother who passed away just Sunday last − were not around to bask in his glory. Civil Rights activists who gave their lives and fought for this day, calling to mind Martin Luther King whose famous speech, “I have a dream” has now become a reality − a defining moment in history.
John McCain in his speech to his supporters and the nation was gracious in defeat, giving Obama credit for a campaign well run and promising to support him for the benefit of all America.
Obama’s theme, “Change yes we can’ became ‘Change we did.’ As he said in his speech this morning, it was a victory not only for him but for his supporters, and he promised to work for all including those who did not vote for him. He asserted that it would not be easy and thanked his family especially his wife for her support.
His job description would have changed since he entered the race for the White House because of the financial crises which would no doubt impact on some or all of his plans, but with God nothing is impossible.
To the people of America, you have demonstrated the American Dream. The world is watching.
Yours faithfully,
VO Patrick