Government’s push for economic incentives to maintain the rainforest is to be highly commended

Dear Editor,

The action by the Guyana government to push for economic incentives at the ongoing climate change talks, in order to maintain global mature rainforests, is to be highly commended. We have been continually lobbying the Guyana government since the early 1990s to take this ‘Green Gold’ scheme on board, which they now belatedly have.
While mature rainforests do not fit within the restricted ambit of the current Kyoto Protocol, given that rainforests have millions of tons of greenhouse warming gases stored in them, and  also stored in the surrounding soils via their extensive root systems, it is only pertinent that states that refrain from destroying this global resource, and thus benefiting  the rest of the planet, while denying to themselves access to the short term timber, agricultural, and mining potential locked in the rainforests, should be reimbursed for this self-restraint.

Rainforests are not only the most bio-diverse environment on Planet Earth and the lungs of the planet, and a potential medicinal treasure trove, but they also are instrumental in restricting global climate change. An estimated 20% of current global greenhouse warming gases are caused by rainforest destruction. Instead of empty rhetoric, a viable “rainforest rent” should be paid to the rainforest host nations which are desperate for funds to assist their struggling economies. Only an economic incentive will ensure that the rapidly dwindling rainforests are protected, rather than felled for urgent short term economic needs. The global environment is our common heritage and has no political boundaries. Future generations will rightly condemn us for this wanton destruction of such an amazing and valuable bio-asset.

Yours faithfully, 
Lalu Hanuman