Dear Editor,
Technology has opened windows of information to us some of us, which at times could be considered graphic and at others useful. For those of us who watched the invasion of Gaza the horrific images of the injured and dead should have touched us as human beings. I saw parents crying − in one case a man lost his entire household. In another a man was kissing his dead children. Civilian casualties have been reported as being very high in an area that is densely populated.
But the world is silent as they watch a country like Israel whose ancestors suffered in the holocaust inflicting injury and death on a population caught up in the politics of Hamas.
The United Nations is a toothless organization and we understand why most countries are muzzled by their economic and political affiliations to Israel, the USA and the Arab world. History will one day judge this invasion, and those who survive will never forget the atrocities committed on their land. I pray that an accommodation can be found for a truce to bring some relief to the innocent ones.
Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)