Stabroek News

New Gaming Authority considering two applications

The Georgetown, Investments and Management Services and the Princess Hotel Casino Guyana have applied to the Gaming Authority of Guyana for a Premises License and an perators’ Licence respectively.

The applications are currently being considered by the Gaming Authority, which held its first meeting last Friday. The authority is chaired by Anthony Xavier while the other members are Roxanne Reece, Captain Gerald Gouveia, Oscar Phillips, and Wilet Hamilton Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce.

According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs late last night, the authority also considered matters pertaining to the rating of hotels in Guyana. As well as “other administrative and technical matters related to the effective and efficient functioning of the Authority.”

The Gaming Authority was established on December 1, 2008 by the Minister of Home Affairs in accordance with Section 32(1) (c) of the Gambling Prevention (Amendment) Act.

The amendment prescribes that the authority be responsible for the issuance of licences under Section 32 of the act; the monitoring of casino operations in Guyana; the administration of regulations made under the act; advising the minister with respect to the administration of the regulations or any other relevant matter.

In the recent past, Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee had said government was cognizant of the fact that casino gaming will contribute to the “social and economic development of the country.”

Meanwhile, Section 29 (2) of the act states that no more than three casino licences could be granted in one administrative region, while licences may only be issued where the premises had a minimum of 10 rooms.

The act also gives the minister the power to prescribe fees to be paid in the event of failure to comply with rules governing the gambling laws.

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