Dear Editor,
As the United States of America celebrates the election of its first president with a parent of African origin, let us reflect for a moment on how much further ahead Guyana is when it comes to ethnic diversity in presidents.
We have had one president of Chinese origin (Arthur Chung), three presidents of African origin (Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, Sam Hinds), two presidents of Indian origin (Cheddi Jagan, Bharrat Jagdeo) and one president of European origin (Janet Jagan).
In Mrs Jagan we also had a woman president – something that is still unattainable in the United States, as Hillary Clinton bitterly pointed out when she hit the glass ceiling and could not break through.
As we consider ethnic diversity in politics, let us also reflect on the fact that we currently have three Amerindian ministers. How long will it take for Native Americans to achieve equivalent political success in the United States of America?
Yours faithfully,
Melinda Janki