Dear Editor,
I wish to join those who have expressed condemnation at the attempted assassination of Ms Maria van Beek. Despite a society plagued by differences, the condemnation of the attempt on Maria van Beek’s life was widespread, cutting across all differences and partisan interest and augurs well for the future.
Maria returned to Guyana along with her British-born husband Patrick in 2002 after completing studies in Actuarial Science a rare profession in this region. She returned as Guyanese were heading in the other direction and chose to work in the public sector as Commissioner of Insurance. Having myself worked in the public sector most of my life I know it was no easy call for someone with a marketable profession especially when one has to contend with a hand-to-mouth remuneration package.
I visited Maria at the hospital on Friday morning and despite it being so soon after the attempt on her life she was jolly, smiling and in a good mood as I have known her over the years. As I left the hospital I asked myself can someone in their true human sense do something like that? It was heartening to know that someone came to her assistance and drove her to the hospital despite bad weather and unruly traffic. In this regard I cannot agree more with an earlier letter writer that her life was saved by “divine intervention”.
Finally, I wish to echo the sentiments expressed by the Speaker of the National Assembly in an article in last weekend’s Mirror newspaper that the perpetrators of this crime be finally brought to justice and there be a successful conclusion to the police investigation of this callous and cowardly act.
Yours faithfully,
Rajendra Rampersaud