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Obama triggers firestorm in CIA interrogation case

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack  Obama came under strong criticism from Republicans yesterday  for leaving the door open to the prosecution of former Bush  officials who authorized severe interrogations by the CIA.

Obama’s decision to release classified memos last Thursday  that detailed aggressive techniques used on terrorism suspects,  including waterboarding, sleep deprivation and forced nudity,  has triggered a political firestorm in Washington.

Politicians on the left are eager to launch investigations  into the Bush-era policies that were part of the effort to  prevent a repeat of the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.

Those on the right say Obama, a Democrat who took over as  president from Republican George W. Bush on Jan. 20, seems to  be breaking a pledge to look forward, not review the past.

Karl Rove, who was a top aide to Bush, accused Obama of  seeking to conduct “show trials” a day after the president left  open the possibility of prosecuting officials who provided  legal analysis of interrogation procedures.

“If the Obama administration insists on criminalizing  policy disagreements, how can they place any limits on who they  prosecute?” Rove told Reuters.

“Everyone in the interrogation process would have to be  treated the same,” he said, including the CIA agents, the  physicians who monitored interrogation sessions and the lawyers  who researched and wrote the memos.
The chain could reach “to the leadership of the  intelligence community to the legislators in both parties and  the Bush administration officials who were briefed on these  memos and agreed to them,” Rove said.
“It is now clear that the Obama White House didn’t think  before it tried to appease the hard left of the Democratic  Party.”

Critics of the harsh interrogations, including the  waterboarding technique that makes suspects feel as if they are  drowning, say they amounted to torture.

Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department  will follow the law wherever it leads in probing U.S. officials  behind CIA interrogation policies.

“No one is above the law,” he said, reiterating that the  department had no intention of prosecuting CIA interrogators  who acted “in good faith” to follow official legal guidance.

The controversy threatened to become a distraction for  Obama as he seeks to keep Americans’ attention on his efforts  to rebuild the U.S. economy.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters Obama  believes the memos and their release should be a moment for  reflection, not a moment for retribution.

Any decision to prosecute anyone, he said, would be made by  the Justice Department, not the president or the White House.

“I think that the lawyers that are involved are plenty  capable of determining whether any law has been broken,” Gibbs  said.

Three key U.S. senators, Republicans John McCain and  Lindsey Graham and Democrat-turned-independent Joe Lieberman,  issued a joint letter to Obama strongly urging him not to  prosecute government officials who provided legal advice  related to detainee interrogations.

“Pursuing such prosecutions would, we believe, have serious  negative effects on the candor with which officials in any  administration provide their best advice,” wrote the senators,  all of whom had opposed the harsh interrogation tactics.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, a  Democrat, renewed his call for the creation of a special  commission to investigate the severe interrogation methods.

Leahy said if the votes cannot be mustered among lawmakers  to create such a bipartisan commission, he would hold an  investigative hearing and would expect other congressional  committees to do so as well.

“I want someone to tell us exactly what happened so that it  won’t happen again,” Leahy told reporters.
The speaker of the House of Represen-tatives, Nancy Pelosi, backed Leahy’s call for “a truth commission” but said it should  be very selective in granting immunity. A commission would remove “all doubt that how we protect  the American people is in a values-based way,” she told a media  roundtable hosted by the Christian Science Monitor newspaper.

A liberal group,, asked readers on its website  to sign a petition calling on the Obama administration to  appoint a special prosecutor “to investigate and prosecute the  architects of the Bush-era torture program.”

Condoleezza Rice, Bush’s national security adviser,  approved the CIA’s interrogation program, including  waterboarding, in 2002 and Vice President Dick Cheney affirmed  White House support a year later, a Senate Intelligence  Committee report said yesterday.

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