Stabroek News

The GTU decision to increase dues has not been discussed by all branches

Dear Editor,

I heard through the grapevine that my union, the Guyana Teachers’ Union, intends to increase dues by two hundred dollars ($200) at the end of May. This means that the GTU will be collecting some sixteen million dollars more in dues.

There was some discussion regarding this issue a few years ago, but the decision to go ahead was made at the General Council meeting held in December last year. I was told that this decision was to be communicated to the various branches by the General Council representatives and thoroughly debated. The idea was to solicit suggestions and recommendations from the general membership.

Since last year, there has been no meeting held in the Plaisance branch and there have been no attempts made to communicate to members of the branch that dues will be increased and to seek their advice or suggestions. Had it not been for whispers and objections by some members we would not have heard anything.

My position on this matter is that accompanying this decision must be a proposal to reform the union in a very comprehensive and profound way. I will support any decision to increase dues when there is a forensic audit done of the union’s books for the last five years and the accounting system is overhauled; when we have a collective labour agreement; when we have a new constitution and the constitutional recommendations made for the holding of union elections are implemented. There must also be a proper educational and training programme in place to train branch officers.

Yours faithfully,
Milne Seymour

Editor’s note

We are sending a copy of this letter to President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union, Mr Colwyn King for any comments he might wish to make.

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