Dear Editor,
In order to fight our economic, social, cultural problems and promote and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, we must strive towards national unity.
National unity is an important facet of national development. The government, opposition, rich and poor are all obligated to endorse the principles of national unity. National unity is above party politics, and any person who attempts to compromise national unity is guilty of stirring up mischief to subvert the society to meet their own evil ends. It is egotistical of anyone to seek to deliberately harm a country of its peace and stall development, just to advance their own wicked deeds and forget about the interests of the people.
We are all free to demand our rights, but we must do so within the limits of the law. The responsible execution of our rights is challenged when we meet with contentious issues. Should a selfish attempt for power be made by the irresponsible execution of this right, then it is only inevitable that chaos and disorder will erupt within our small nation. Is this the way to go?
There are often riots about press freedom and talks criticizing the government, but any sound- minded person would figure out that what exists is just an exploitation of these rights for political gain. Must I remind us, that electoral promises still exist, but for some reason, these promises seem to be forgotten. Yes, the opposition parties are our ‘political watchdogs,’ however, this role is subjected to ethics and should be done constructively, at all times putting the security and welfare of this country first and foremost.
The promotion of racial division by troublemakers must stop, since it is not healthy for a growing nation like Guyana. We may have differences, but we must practise the values of compromise, respect, equality, and at the same time recognize our country’s diversity.
Guyana is a country with so much potential; it just needs cooperation and patriotism from its people. Government continues to commit itself to make constant improvements for the well-being of the entire population.
Yours faithfully,
Marissa Lowden