Dear Editor,
As stated by MA Bacchus in her letter of May 7, 2009 titled ‘The Former Presidents Bill is a travesty,’ Mr Jagdeo will be 47 years old if he demits office in 2011. The destitute people of Guyana will probably be responsible for his pension for at least 18 years.
Bacchus arrived at a figure of 216 million in pension over 18 years. The rest of the benefits include unlimited telephone and electricity bills; personal, household, field and administrative staff; medical expenses for himself and dependants; security for his person and residence; motor vehicles owned and maintained by the state; toll-free travel in Guyana; and annual vacation allowance.
These benefits could amount to around an additional $300M over 18 years for a grand total of at least 500 million dollars.
What if Mr Jagdeo, as many surmise, uses his status, position, influence, qualifications and expertise to work and earn significant remuneration for the rest of his life, should taxpayers still be required to pay these insane benefits to him? What happens if Mr Jagdeo, still a fairly young man at retirement, considers working or residing outside of Guyana, should taxpayers be saddled with paying for these benefits that are idling in Guyana? This is patronage at its farcical best, another case of a poor government policy that effectively results in the country getting shafted. There is nothing about President Jagdeo’s performance to warrant a raise in pension entitlements and nothing about the performance of any politician in Guyana including the Opposition Leader to warrant better pay or pension. Former presidents and current politicians should not be allowed to feast on the sacrifices of the struggling poor of a nation like this. There is nothing to indicate that Mr Jagdeo cannot live comfortably on his savings, the previous current pension and benefits schedule, and from his expected earnings. Why should a highly qualified individual like Mr Jagdeo be enriched in this manner at the expense of the long-suffering taxpayers? What happened to the mantra of service and savings to the nation taught, preached and proclaimed by the Jagans. That said, this move by the government to entrench luxurious life after political death is not strange, given its conduct during political life. Cheddi Jagan must be rolling in his grave.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Maxwell