BBC Caribbean News in Brief

Douglas stays on

Prime Minister Denzil Douglas has been re-elected for a 21st consecutive year as leader of the governing Labour Party in St Kitts and Nevis.
That mean’s he’ll be in charge of the party for the next general election, expected later this year.
Douglas told delegates at the party’s annual conference that the current international financial crisis demanded that voters choose a government with a proven track record of skilled and responsible management.
He said the Labour Party represented safe and capable hands for serious times.

Probe into St Lucia
airport ‘breach’

The St Lucia government has ordered an investigation into an apparent airport breach of protocol that embarrassed foreign minister Rufus Bousquet and delayed an American Airlines flight.
The incident occurred on Friday as Bousquet was about to leave on official business in the United States.
National Security Minister Guy Mayers told the BBC that based on preliminary reports he has received, the incident should never have happened because there are protocols in place to deal with VIP’s.
These, Mayers says, include being screened in private.
Reports indicate that Bousquet objected to being screened in public, and later boarded the AA flight.
But it appears that the pilot was alerted and refused to take off, resulting in a flight delay of about half an hour.
The foreign minister was later subjected to a security check on the steps of the aircraft.

‘Protect children online’

The Prime Minister of Grenada, Tillman Thomas, has called for more action at the regional level to protect children from the potential dangers they face on the Internet.
He speaking on international telecommunications day at the weekend.
The St Vincent and the Grenadines telecoms minister, Jerrol Thompson said the island’s government was already dealing with the threats posed by supporting a child online protection initiative.