Stabroek News

Contemptuous response

Dear Editor,

Just one day after a letter bearing the caption, ‘Perish the thought,’ was published in SN (May 21), pleading with the fish shop in Drury Lane to respect the right to peace and quiet of students writing CXC, the fish shop responded in the most inhumane way. From under two massive tents (see photo attached), it came out blazing with both barrels. To hell with the children… blam; buy 5 B* for $1000 and 4 G* for $1000… bladdam; to hell with books and reading… blam; education can’t feed you… bladdam; ‘ben ova,’ ‘daggering’ and ‘party til morning cum’ is the order of the day… blam; to hell with your sick mother and old father… bladdam; this is about I and I… blam; I am above the law… bladdam, blam, bladdam, blam….

The contemptuousness by the fish shop went on from 1600 hours on Friday May 22 until 0309 hours on Saturday May 23, 2009.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)

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