Stabroek News

Noise nuisance continues

Dear Editor,

At about 10 pm, the sound level from the show at the Starlite Drive-in on May 16, 2009, was upped to send the citizens of Atlantic Gardens mad.  The show completely disregarded the court order and played at worse levels than before it was handed down. Court orders should be respected by all. As for stopping the show, no attempt appears to have been made to stop it.  The court order said that from 10 pm to 2.30 am the noise should not be excessive to interfere with Mr Khan’s comfortable enjoyment of his home.

As before there was the usual vulgar performance. Why do companies of repute sponsor shows where vulgarity predominates?  There were decent and prominent citizens 0there. They did not leave.  People who bring in chutney performers from Trinidad must know that we in Guyana do not like such looseness, we do not disrobe in public and we do not like our children to be present where there is loose behaviour.

Why does the government allow this? Is it good for the economy, so they have to descend to anything?  Or do the big boys just enjoy such lifestyles?

Yours faithfully,
Roshan Khan
Noise And Smoke Nuisance Committee (EC)

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