Stabroek News

Minibus fares increase announcement in ‘bad taste’

– Prashad

Commerce Minister Manniram Prashad has responded to reports that minibus fares will increase from June 15 and says that such an announcement is “in bad taste” while questioning the authority of the individual who made the disclosure.

President of the General Minibus Association (GMA) Lylon Weithers was quoted in yesterday’s edition of the Kaieteur News as saying that from June 15 bus prices will return to what they were prior to November, when bus fares were reduced.
According to the report, Weithers identified the increase in fuel prices as one of the main reasons for the increase in prices.  The price for gas has risen over the last few months and is currently close to $800 per gallon.  Weithers reportedly accused the administration of being silent on this matter.

The GMA President was also reported as saying that as part of the negotiations for the reduction in bus fares, discussions on VAT-exempted essential spare parts were expected to be ongoing but that this was not the reality.

In response, Prashad told Stabroek News yesterday that the price of gasoline remains under $1000 per gallon, and consequently it was in bad taste for the minibus operators to want to increase their prices. He said that during negotiations with the various minibus bodies, officials had said they would only consider increasing prices if fares increased to over $1000.
Prashad also questioned the authority of Weithers to make such an announcement. The Minister said that when he contacted other members in the GMA as well as the heads of other associations such as the Guyana Public Transportation Association (GPTA), they informed him they were unaware of any discussions ever being held on this subject.

The Minister said that he had intervened in this matter and was scheduled to meet with representatives from the various bus associations on Monday to solve the issue. Meanwhile, he said that members of the public ought not to be fleeced and should not pay any increased fares.

Last November, as a result of falling gas prices, Prashad had negotiated with the GMA, the GPTA and other minibus associations to reduce bus fares. Following much contention there was a reduction in minibus fares.

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