Stabroek News

People will not take the PNC seriously in their call for an investigation into Roger Khan’s alleged links with the government

Dear Editor,

The PNC’s call for an investigation into Roger Khan’s alleged link with the government is admirable and indeed prudent.  Guyana needs to break the shackles of corruption before it can ever make a fresh start, but given the nature of the system such an investigation will be almost impossible under the present government or others like it. Unfortunately the PNC has to take responsibility by admitting to their contribution to the present corrupt environment. It is therefore very unlikely that the Guyanese people will take them seriously in this call.

The PPP for their part, like the PNC before them, have the police and other departments in their clutches and any investigation such as one into the killing of Walter Rodney and others will be stymied in bureaucracy and therefore will produce no positive result. An investigation even by a totally independent source will struggle to produce a convincing conclusion.

Guyana is now what it is, and there is very little that can be done until the people themselves wake up to the reality that those they elect to serve them are the same ones who are strangling their progress.

Roger Khan, like others before him and those yet to come will continue to take advantage of the corruption to build their little empires no matter how fragile they might be.

Yours faithfully,
B A Ramsay

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