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Japan’s 2020 carbon cut bodes ill for climate talks

SINGAPORE, (Reuters) – Pushed by industry groups to  cut emissions by the minimum and pulled by developing nations  to cut deeply, Japan’s prime minister went down the middle, and  in doing so has undermined global climate talks.

Taro Aso’s decision yesterday to cut Japan’s emissions  of planet-warming greenhouse gases by 15 percent below 2005  levels by 2020 showed lack of leadership from a country seen as  a crucial player in the fight against climate change, analysts  say.

The target is barely tougher than Japan’s current  commitment under the Kyoto Protocol and is far less than the  25-40 percent reduction below 1990 levels for rich nations  urged by the U.N. Climate Panel.

“I do not believe it is a number that is close to what  Japan needs to do, should do,” China’s climate ambassador Yu  Qingtai told Reuters on the sidelines of U.N.-led, June 1-12  climate climate talks in Bonn, Germany.

“(Tokyo should) look seriously at what Japan needs to do to  make a fair contribution to international cooperation to fight  climate change.”

Aso described the target as extremely ambitious but Kim  Carstensen, head of WWF’s Global Climate Initiative, called it  appalling.

“When signing the Kyoto Protocol, Japan already committed  to a 6 percent cut from 1990 levels, to be achieved from 2008  to 2012. The new Aso target would mean that Japan effectively  gives dirty industries the freedom to pollute without limits  for eight years,” Carstensen said.

The new target is equivalent to a cut of 8 percent below  Japan’s 1990 emission levels, and roughly comparable with the  U.S. target that is under discussion, the lower end of the EU  target range and the middle of Australia’s range.

Analysts say rich nations such as Japan, the world’s  fifth-biggest emitter, need to do more to entice developing  nations to take steps to curb their rapidly growing carbon  pollution.

Failure to do so could mean a weak or no agreement at the  end of the year to brake the pace climate change and offset its  impact, such as more intense storms, rising seas and melting  glaciers.

“These targets are not strong enough to get the world down  the road to avoiding dangerous climate change, and could fall  short of enticing developing countries into the game,” said  Frank Jotzo, climate change economist at the Australian  National University in Canberra.

Negotiators are racing to seal a broader climate pact to  replace the Kyoto Protocol in December during a U.N. conference  in Copenhagen.

“Why should poor countries agree to act while the rich are  still refusing to take responsibility?” said Australian Greens  Deputy Leader Senator Christine Milne.

“Our so-called world leaders need to realise that this  year’s Copenhagen Conference will not be a success unless it  delivers an agreement to truly protect the climate. Anything  less will be an agreement to fail,” she said.

China and India, the world’s top and fourth-largest  emitters respectively, demand rich nations sign up to 2020 cuts  of 40 percent below 1990 levels and pledge up to 1 percent of  their economic worth to help poorer nations fight climate  change.

Developing nations, which now emit more than half of  mankind’s greenhouse gas pollution, will not be expected to  sign up to legally binding emissions cuts in a new climate  agreement from 2013.

“What Japan proposes is going to have a major impact,  because it is one of the major developed countries. And China  wants to see it set more ambitious goals than Kyoto if China is  going to do more,” said Zhang Haibin, an expert on  environmental diplomacy at Peking University in Beijing.

To be fair, Aso faced a tough choice, fearful of driving up  costs for voters ahead of an election and hurting business  during the country’s worst recession in more than half a  century.

Japan’s biggest business lobby, Nippon Keidanren, supported  a minus 4 percent target on 2005 levels, saying it is the most  reasonable in terms of cost.

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