Stabroek News

Chief Magistrate did excellent job with Colin Mack PI

Dear Editor,

The highly publicized preliminary inquiry into the charge of rape against entertainment promoter Colin Mack was recently concluded in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court. Chief Magistrate (ag) Melissa Robertson found that a prima facie case had been made out and as such committed Colin Mack to stand trial in the High Court. A jury in the High Court would have to determine whether Colin Mack is guilty or not.

I write to compliment Chief Magistrate (ag) Robertson for concluding this matter in about eight weeks. Kudos also to the prosecution for having the witnesses and exhibits available. The learned magistrate had denied granting bail to Mack and his application for bail to the High Court was unsuccessful as there was no delay in his matter by Chief Magistrate (ag) Robertson.

Congratulations to the magistrate on the expeditious handling of the matter and this should be emulated by all members of the judiciary.

It is important that in sensitive matters of rape and other sexual offences that the matters be given priority and concluded as quickly as possible so that there can be no interference with the virtual complainant and/or the witnesses. This is also applicable to those other high profile cases where bail is refused.

Another area where priority must be given is where foreigners have been robbed and or assaulted as/their stay in Guyana is limited and thus unless their evidence is taken, the case will fail.  Hats off to you Chief Magistrate (ag) Melissa Robertson for a job well done. The way to go!

Yours faithfully,
K.A. Juman-Yassin

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