Stabroek News

Leguan and Wakenaam don’t need airstrips; they need a bridge linking the two

Dear Editor,
We, the residents of Wakenaam, are in no need of an airstrip. Of far greater benefit would be either a floating or a non-floating bridge between Leguan and Wakenaam. This would greatly expedite traffic across the Essequibo River.

The Essequibo River is large. Currently the ferry must bypass both Leguan and Wakenaam in order to reach its destination. Should a bridge between the islands be constructed, instead of one long and winding trek around islands and through channels, two simple, short and direct ferry passages could be made to cross the entire river.

People from the Essequibo Coast are exasperated. Some have to leave their homes in the middle of the night with their young children to catch the early morning ferry. The elderly and infirm, who are in no condition to travel by speedboat, must often travel at an ungodly hour to cross the Essequibo River.

We, the residents of Wakenaam, are concerned. Upon entering the ferry, the people from the Essequibo Coast are sleeping on the benches, making the ferry look more like a hospital than a transportation service. This makes a mockery of travel in Guyana. With the proposed bridge, we would not have to worry that the steamer could run aground, as the river is deep on both sides of the islands, and we would be able to leave our homes to travel at our own convenience. It would allow for dignified travel and show great consideration for the families and disabled ones of the Essequibo Coast.
Both our President and the Minister of Transport should be called on to promptly look into this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Salim Manauf

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