

Ozama Street North Ruimveldt yesterday afternoon after rainfall during the morning hours.


Reverend Millicent ‘Dorothy’ Morris celebrates her 97th birthday today. Born on July 21, 1912 the second daughter to James Alexander Stephens and Josephine Ivy Hackett Stephens, she Dorothy was educated in the Pomeroon and later sent to Georgetown by her postmaster father. In 1956, she married Reverend Alphonso Morris, a widower with three children. He was stationed at the Ebenezer AME church in the depressed Charlestown area. It was here that her desire to become a “missionary” became fulfilled.  As a result of her missionary work she was consecrated a deaconess by Bishop Odie L. Sherman in1957. On her husband’s death in 1962, his parishioners specifically requested that she become their pastor. To this end she pursued ministerial studies locally with the help of Rev Talbot. On March 1, 1964, Bishop Richard R Wright, Jr ordained her a Local Deacon. On April 20, 1969, Bishop G Wayman Blakey ordained her an Itinerant Elder. In recognition of her work especially among children and the aged in the poorer section of the city, she was granted a Medal of Service by President Burnham. Also, she was appointed Presiding Elder for the Guyana/Suriname Conference of the 16th District of the AMEC. She holds the distinction of being the first Woman to serve as presiding elder within the AME Church. She served with distinction for five years as Presiding Elder and in the process she broke barriers for women to ascend even further, to now to the office of Bishop. Now a nonagenarian, she is superannuated from the Guyana Annual Conference but still occasionally attends the St Peter AME Church.


The Rotaract Club of Georgetown recently installed its new board for 2009-2010, headed by President Nicola Butts. The installation was done at a ceremony hosted at the Cara Lodge.
In photo: Assistant Governor Rotary District 7030 Keith Williams (right) stands alongside the new board members.