Dear Editor,
Islamic law and jurisprudence is not always understood by the Western press. Although it is the responsibility of the mass media to bring to the world’s attention violations of human rights and acts of terror, many believe that media stereotyping of all Muslims is a major problem. The recent bombing in many cities is a prime example. The media often use the term ‘Islamic fundamentalism.’
The media have used the label ‘Islamic fundamentalist’ to imply all kinds of possible negative connotations: terrorist, kidnapper, and hostage-taker. A Muslim who is trying to live his religion is indeed a true believer in God. This person tries to live all of the tenets of the religion in a fundamental way. Thus, a true Muslim is a fundamentalist in the practice of that religion, but a true Muslim is not a radical, because the Quran teaches tolerance and moderation in all things. When the popular media generalize from the fundamentalist believer to the ‘radical fundamentalist’ label, they do a disservice to all Muslims and others.
Yours faithfully,
Mohamed Khan