Dear Editor,
For years now hire-car drivers have been complaining of the deplorable state of the East Bank Berbice road which terminates at Mara some twenty-five miles from New Amsterdam. I can attest to the condition of this roadway, because as far as way back in the fifties, I had occasion to traverse it on a daily basis to and from work in New Amsterdam. It was constructed then of burnt earth, but it was properly maintained.
However, succeeding administrations have failed to effect a permanent road network in the East Bank Berbice, although during the eighties the PNC through Guyconstruct did some remedial works which proved to be shoddy.
Editor, the East Bank Berbice road is the only link from New Amsterdam to Mara, an area which is occupied by an agricultural community. The amount of agricultural produce is phenomenal and farmers suffer great losses since they are unable to transport their produce by road, oftentimes having to resort to river transport, which is expensive.
Residents, a week ago met with the Minister of Public Works. Promises were made by the regional administration to have some remedial works done to the roadway, which were done, but the ball is in the hands of the Ministry of Public Works. Residents therefore voiced their concern over the present condition of the roadway which appeared to annoy the Minister, who did not listen to the speakers. He then called the meeting to an abrupt end and walked out. Such behaviour from a high official is reprehensible and must not be condoned. Ministers must understand that they are servants of the people.
Yours faithfully,
Clement A. Johnson
Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn for any comments he might wish to make.