Dear Editor,
My payment bills were completely ignored by a two member crew from the GPL office at Anna Regina which resulted in my business place at Suddie being wrongfully disconnected on Wednesday (July 22).
Much to my embarrassment and inconvenience a driver and another man using the company’s vehicle made me to understand it was not their job to verify payments and their instructions were just to “cut off.” Such a serious administrative blunder needs to be corrected and avoided at all times, since the bills are the only proof of payment and provide justifiable reason to clarify instead of being faced with random disconnection.
The very nature of my business requires electricity, and from the moment the disconnection was done I had to close until the supply was restored the next day. Apart from losing sales, I had to waste precious time and travelling money to go to the office where it was confirmed that nothing was owing, with only an apology from an employee.
From my understanding, the company pays two thousand dollars for every disconnection, even when it is not justified, as happened to me, and had to pay workers to do the reconnection without deriving any revenue and money just being wasted in the process.
It would only be proper for a special fund to be set aside to adequately compensate customers on the spot for becoming the victims of wrongful disconnections.
Yours faithfully,
Leonard Lall