A Message to School Administrators, Teachers, Parents and Students

The new school year is just around the corner and I guess a mixture of excitement, nervousness and confidence is in the air.

On behalf of the Ministry of Education, I congratulate all school administrators who have been promoted to new positions in the various schools nationwide. I also extend congratulations to students who were successful at the National Grade 6 and are now entering Secondary Schools for the first time.

To the students who were highly successful at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination 2009, Congratulations.

It is my delight to welcome teachers and students back to school. I wish to offer some simple tips/guidelines which can yield great success in effecting smooth transition and quick adjustment to school life.
School Administrators

* Muster your ‘team’ together. Do most preparatory activities before school re-opens. Ensure that your school is clean, classrooms well arranged and plans of work in place.

* Allocate staff, bearing in mind that the best teachers’ must be placed at the inception classes i.e. Year One, Grade One, Grade Seven.

* Ensure that teachers teach on the first working day. Parents will be gratified to know that work commences at your school on the very first day.
Class teachers
* Be punctual, regular and committed. Teach with a passion. Set high expectations for your charges.

* Use all the resources which the Ministry of Education has made available to enhance your teaching.

* Above all be honest in your endeavors and encounters with the children. Bear in mind that the ‘hidden curriculum’ is just as powerful as active teaching. Keep on reading.
Parents and Guardians

* Send your children out to school from the first day.

* Attend the orientation sessions and always participate

in the school programme.

* Control the children’s television viewing.

* Encourage your children to read.
* Set up and use a study timetable.

* Do your homework to the best of your ability and in a

timely manner.

* Show respect for your teachers.

* Be on time for school everyday.

* Obey the rules of the school.

* Stay in school and complete your education.
School administrators, teachers, parents and students together we can improve the quality of education in our country.

This we must and will do with a high level of commitment and passion.