Santa Rosa Primary School needs cleaners

Dear Editor,
We parents of children attending Santa Rosa Primary School, with the help of the teachers have been trying to cope with an issue since the school was taken over by the state 39 years ago.

Past and present heads of the school and the PTA bodies have all made representation to the relevant educational authorities to employ and pay two full-time cleaners/janitors to meet the sanitary needs of our school, which has an enrolment of 600 plus pupils aged from 5 years 9 months to 12 years. To date the authorities have not addressed this issue. The schools in the coastal areas have these personnel, so why the discrimination in the hinterland communities? The school’s administration has records to show that numerous requests were made for a janitor, but their requests were always dismissed out of hand.

Parents, teachers and children of this school have to assume these responsibilities. Janitorial work is not work people would volunteer for. The PTA has been paying for part-time cleaners, however due to economic constraints we cannot afford to continue.

We voluntarily contribute toilet tissue, soap, hand towels, basins, buckets, etc, to the school in a concerned effort to keep it in a sanitary condition. We contribute towards fund-raising activities such as bingos, coffee mornings, bring and buy, concerts, etc. We also give voluntary labour to cut the grass and clean the school compound.

Parents also contribute prizes as incentives; in between the general clean-ups of the school the teachers assist by supervising the children to scrub desks and benches, and teachers are seen sometimes mopping and cleaning classrooms by themselves after school hours.

It is a fact that teachers and pupils will not be doing this any more come September – the new school year. We are asking the relevant authorities to intervene in this matter and have paid cleaners for the school to ensure the smooth running of the school come September 2009. We deem sanitation to be a very important issue relevant to the health and overallwell-being of our children.

We the parents will continue to do our part; we are asking the Ministry of Education for their  cooperation.

Yours faithfully,
(Names and addresses provided)

Editor’s note

We are sending a copy of this letter to Mr Shaik Baksh, Minister of Education, for any comments he might wish to make.