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US prosecutor named to probe CIA prisoner abuses

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – U.S. Attorney General Eric  Holder yesterday named a special prosecutor to probe CIA  prisoner abuse cases, a move that could distract President  Barack Obama from his drive to reform the healthcare system.
Holder’s decision, which promises political headaches for  Obama, came after the Justice Department’s ethics watchdog  recommended considering prosecution of Central Intelligence  Agency employees or contractors for harsh interrogations in  Iraq and Afghanistan that went beyond approved limits.

“I fully realize that my decision to commence this  preliminary review will be controversial,” Holder said in a  statement. “In this case, given all of the information  currently available, it is clear to me that this review is the  only responsible course of action for me to take.”

He chose career federal prosecutor John Durham to head the  investigation, adding to his probe of the CIA’s destruction of  videotapes showing harsh interrogations of terrorism suspects.

As Holder made his decision, new details emerged about the  “enhanced” interrogation techniques used after the Sept. 11  attacks on the United States under then-President George W. Bush  but subsequently scratched by Obama when he took office.

Bush officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, have  denied that torture was used and defended their interrogation  practices as legal. These included sleep and food deprivation  as well as so-called waterboarding, a technique that simulates  drowning, of a handful of suspects.

In one instance, interrogators told alleged Sept. 11  mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that his children would be  killed if any further attacks on the United States occurred,  according to new details released from the CIA’s inspector  general’s 2004 report.

The White House reiterated in a statement Obama’s desire to  “look forward, not back” but said “ultimately determinations about  whether someone broke the law are made independently by the  attorney general.”

The administration also yesterday revealed it was setting  up a new group to interrogate terrorism suspects in accordance  with established rules and it will be overseen by the Federal  Bureau of Investigation, replacing the CIA in the lead role.

These decisions coupled with more graphic details about  interrogation practices which Obama ordered halted when he took  office in January, were likely to ignite a political storm at a  crucial time in Washington.

Republicans will likely accuse Obama of being soft on  national security while some liberal backers will be upset if  the probe is limited to those who conducted interrogations while  excluding the officials who approved the policies.

The debate, which could distract lawmakers, comes as Obama  runs into strong political headwinds in his bid to advance his  top legislative priority — overhauling the $2.5 trillion  health care system.

“It will be painful and obviously politically risky for  Obama to do this now — he’ll take a lot of flak that he’s  undermining morale among the clandestine service in the CIA and  that they’re going to be worried about doing anything in the  future,” said Stephen Flanagan, an international security  expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

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