Dear Editor,
According to the SN of 28th inst Mr Bharrat Dindyal, CEO of GPL, says that in a situation of a 50 hertz meter and a 60 hertz supply, the meter tends to under record and the company was experiencing revenue loss, as in Georgetown (‘GPL recording revenue loss on 50 hertz meter system’).
By the same logic I believe that a 60 hertz meter and a 50 hertz supply results in a speed up of the meter and over-recording.
My question to Mr Dindyal is why are 60 hertz meters installed in the 50 hertz Essequibo district, despite the objections of residents?
Yours faithfully,
P. Lall
Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Ms Shevion Sears, Assis-tant PRO of Guyana Power and Light for any comments she might wish to make.