Stabroek News

Park and boom menace

Dear Editor,

It is with extreme distress I write you and the authorities this letter hoping that this monster that is once again rearing its ugly head would be crushed immediately.

Recently I have had to make calls to the police during the wee hours of the morning especially at weekends to get police on patrol to stop private vehicles who presumptuously park on one’s premises or in front of same and open their boom boxes without a care about the hour and the fact that they are disturbing residents. The terrible vibrations, the rattling of windows, setting off alarms of all vehicles parked in the vicinity are just a few of the cruel, thoughtless, inconsiderate acts one has to endure until the perpetrator decides to leave.

I am calling on the authority to instruct all police patrols on duty to charge and bring before the court all those who seem bent on breaking or ignoring the law. Whether they are summoned or not, once they are passing and they hear a vehicle with music playing loud especially at nights.

It is high time we stop making laws for the sake of making laws and begin to enforce them especially when it comes to noise nuisances.

Yours faithfully,
S.K Hamid

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