China expo an eye-opener – Sonia Noel

Since she has returned home Sonia said a stage costume design company in China has contacted her to explore the possibility of them working together because they were impressed with her design concept. For the trade fair Sonia had decided on a full line of bamboo/lattice pieces which she described as her “distinct work”.

“It really was an eye-opening trip and there hardly words to describe what the experience was like,” Sonia said in a recent interview.

But Sonia was also impressed with China. “The country is so developed, it is clearly a growing power player and there is simply nothing that escapes them. I cannot recall one glitch during our time there,” she related.

Sonia made the trip to China along with local designers Marica DeSantos, Chandini Ramnaraine and Ronella Woseley. It was the first time that Guyana and South America were represented at the Chinese trade fair. Because of how the flights were scheduled the group missed the opening ceremony and designers’ conference, but Sonia said the fair made up for the losses.

Choo An Yin, Charge d’ Affaires, Guyana Embassy, Beijing  referred to the local team’s participation at the fair as a first step for the fashion industry towards opening up opportunities in the far east, “where not much is known about Guyana ”.  Yin also called it a sterling example of the Guyanese private sector stepping out of traditional markets and exploring new market opportunities.

Signing autographs at the Expo.
Signing autographs at the Expo.

“The Chinese market is the largest in the world in terms of the size of its population and the Chinese government hosts and sponsors over 3,000 exhibitions and trade fairs at the state, provincial and county level annually. These shouldn’t be seen as mere trade fairs and exhibitions, but opportunities for innovations, exchange of ideas and opportunities to diversify and to explore non-traditional avenues,” she said.

Further, she called on the private sector to seize such opportunities to promote Guyana and to create more opportunities for expansion and improvement. “The Guyana Embassy in Beijing, China stands ready and willing to support the Guyanese private sector in exploring these new avenues of opportunities,” she added.

The local contingent was surrounded by several leading designers from Taiwan, South Korea, China and Indonesia among other countries, but Sonia is of the opinion that Guyana held its own. “Our designs created a lot of buzz. People were genuinely excited and we got lots of questions especially about the exotic wedding dress from my collection,” she added.

She was surprised by the numerous requests for autographs. “We signed so many autographs and pictures, it was really something.” Sonia said that local designers were able to establish links with garment factories in China to explore the possibility of having fabrics imported.

Since the trip a decision has been taken to have the designs of those who were on the trip displayed at the Guyana consulate office in Beijing and according to Sonia, the designs would be readily available for any shows within the diplomatic community in Beijing.

“The objective of the trip was certainly achieved, it afforded us the opportunity we need to bring exposure to our developing industry,” Sonia added. She said too that the organizers of the fair have already extended an invitation to the local designers for next year. ([email protected])