Few things are as psychologically brutal as serious chess. You spend five or six hours in total concentration, at war with another mind. In the background is a ticking clock. There is nowhere to hide, no teammates to toss the ball to, no referees to blame, no dice to roll or new cards to turn over.
-Garry Kasparov.
It is not surprising, therefore, that he became the new national champion with two rounds still to go. Meusa’s impressive victory calls for an awakening of the sleepy chess minds in Guyana. The wise are now impelled to examine his approach to the Nationals, and learn some lessons from it. Only in this way will we improve our game and make it superior to the one which we are playing now. Essentially, Meusa has issued a challenge to all competitive chess players in Guyana: ‘Catch me if you can!’
We should all accept this bold challenge, and seek to fight back, and in doing so, reinvigorate our game with fresh ideas, new-found theories and better strategies. Simply put, the task ahead of us now is to beat Meusa, before we embark on those grand mental excursions of beating FIDE- ranked players internationally. Meusa has done well to define the standard to which we must aspire and become accustomed if we are to have the name ‘Guyana’ emblazoned in lights in the competitive world of chess.
Meusa’s win, and the manner in which he accomplished it by easily demolishing some of the ablest players in the country, represents a turning point for chess. Now we have somebody to beat among us. Now we have something to work assiduously towards. If we put our shoulders to the wheel, our game will get stronger. We will become fiercer. And sharper. The standard has been set and it is climbing. If we are to succeed internationally, we have to aspire to our champion’s standard and strive vigorously to surpass it.
One of our critical mistakes in chess nowadays is neglecting the old masters. Since the grand explosion of computers, and computer chess, we have been reading less. For some, chess books have become ancient relics in homes across the country. Everything is now computer, computer, computer. We play more chess than we read or study the game. It’s a mistake. And you know it’s a mistake when you start losing at the chessboard. I like to refer to the ancient Chinese proverb: “If you want to know the road ahead, ask those who are coming back.” We must study the old masters.
Meusa should be an inspiration to our young players. I think he already is, because I have seen him helping the young ones. He brought two little girls to the recent qualification tournament. I was informed he is their trainer.
The Federation is infinitely grateful for such wonderful and selfless assistance. We wish Meusa a successful and enterprising year as national champion. Chess is developing in Guyana. Chess is on the move.
Singh v Sampsonkin
Raymond Singh, a former national chess champion of Guyana, currently resides in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He is active on the Canadian national chess circuit, carrying the name of Guyana in tournament after tournament.
In the following game he opposes a player of grandmaster strength, at 2600 rating points. Raymond falters in the endgame and resigns!
Elora Open – Canada
Singh, Raymond (1974) – Sampsonkin, Aurter (2601)