Stabroek News

The US will meet the climate challenge

– in Copenhagen and beyond

By Karen L. Williams

By Karen L. Williams

The United States is committed to achieving the strongest possible outcome at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen.  Climate change is a global challenge that demands a global solution.
President Obama will lead the US in doing its part.  We are doing more to meet this challenge than ever before, both by supporting domestic policies that advance clean energy, climate security, and economic recovery and by vigorous international engagement. The US is prepared to put on the table an emissions reduction target in the range of 17 per cent below 2005 levels in 2020, ultimately in line with domestic legislation.  This target puts us on a pathway toward a 30 per cent emissions reduction in 2025 and a 42 per cent reduction in 2030, in line with the President’s goal to reduce emissions 83 percent by 2050.

But the US cannot solve the problem alone.  Success will require action by all. To this end, all major economies will have to present mitigation plans in any new Copenhagen agreement and make clear that they intend to stand behind those plans.  We are seeing encouraging signs in this regard.

Transparency is also fundamental in any agreement – it gives countries confidence that others are carrying out their commitments and allows the world to determine whether we are adequately reducing emissions.  All major economies need to agree to a robust transparency regime in Copenhagen.

Ultimately, an international agreement will only succeed if it both complements and promotes sustainable development by moving the world toward a low-carbon economy.  It must provide financial and technological support for countries, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable, to help them reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.

While major economies bear most of the responsibility for cutting emissions, developing countries also have significant contributions to make in reducing emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.  Guyana has made just such a contribution through its Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation programme, commonly known as REDD.  Guyana’s REDD programme is the first of its kind worldwide and together with the Government of Norway, Guyana’s experience developing its programme will inform a global REDD standard.

As nearly 20 per cent of global carbon emissions occur through deforestation and other forest degradation, identifying an effective REDD model will do much to prevent harmful concentrations of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.  The US applauds Guyana and Norway and encourages them to press ahead with an effective and transparent REDD programme.
Copenhagen is not the end of the process.  It is part of our larger collective commitment to meeting one of the world’s greatest challenges.

Copenhagen represents an opportunity to reach an accord that could start us down the path toward a legal agreement and speed the transition to a low-carbon global economy.  It is important that we seize it. The US stands ready to do our part, and we encourage Guyana to continue its campaign on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

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