Dear Editor,
As a PPP/Civic supporter over the last 17 years or so, I have found it very interesting to read the criticisms and unsubstantiated accusations about lack of transparency and accountability over the various expenditures and allocations for the rebuilding and extension of the socio-economic and physical infrastructure which had deteriorated severely under the PNC regime which kept itself in office through rigged elections, after getting into office through a coalition government imposed by a fiddled constitutional arrangement. The severe criticisms would usually come after the auditor general’s reports are laid in parliament.
These mainly emanate from the former PNC regime whose own finance minister in their first term of office complained of financial irregularities of the government not supplying vouchers for expenditure.
This regime presented no auditor general reports for 10 years from 1982 to 1992, so no one knows the revenue received and expenditures made during this period. Only one school was built during the 7 years of Hoyte and that was at Wismar.
The PPP/C reintroduced auditor general reports from 1993 and have kept these up no matter what criticisms they attract. It is all a matter of public record and is in the public domain.
There is nothing to hide. It is all open to the public’s scrutiny, unlike what happened during the PNC regime. It is noticed that there was little or no comment during the first 5 years or so on the Auditor-General’s reports of the PPP/C government because all the misdemeanors would have referred to the PNC’s misconduct.
In addition to the 10 years’ absence of auditor general reports, the PNC regime merged the Office of the General Secretary of the party with the Ministry of National Mobilisation, which was allocated the sum of $10M which was not subject to any accountability.
Yet these people, the former government, have the brazen impudence to accuse the present administration of lack of accountability and transparency.
Each and every expenditure under the PPP/C administration is published in the print and electronic media every day and is a matter of public record for all to see. The PPP/C has nothing to hide and is subject to full scrutiny with which they are quite comfortable.
Yours faithfully,
John Da Silva