Stabroek News

Why can’t Guyana follow the example of the Malawi teenager?

Dear Editor,
‘Boy’s dream to build windmill transforms lives in Malawi’ – this is an article in the Toronto Star of Sunday, December 13, 2009. The reference is:—boy-s-dream-to-build-windmill-transforms-lives-in-malawi

In the context of Guyana, is a similar application in some of the rural areas not possible, that is, using windmills to provide needed electricity at little cost?

Is there any law which would prevent or hinder such windmill construction and application?

Guyana has been plagued for many years with an unreliable and costly power supply system. It is time that other sources of power supply be investigated.

There in Malawi, a teenager comes up with a great idea and becomes famous for such a simple application.

What is there preventing Guyanese from being equally inventive?

Your faithfully,
Carl Veecock

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