The Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) on Monday launched its Christmas Outreach Programme with a donation of $75,000 worth of items to the Children of Promise Eden Orphanage in Smythfield, New Amsterdam, Berbice.

Secretary of the BCB Angela Haniff and senior cricket selector Winston Smith visited the Orphanage and handed over the donation of educational and hygiene kits along with a collection of school text books.
Haniff, when she handed over the donation, stated that the BCB for the first time in its 70-year history is now involved in community development and social activities as the Board wants to contribute towards the personal development of the youth and the less fortunate. She challenged the children at the home to make education their main goal in their lives and to develop a culture of discipline, commitment and respect for others.
Founder of the home and CEO Ms. Pansy Howell Fedee expressed gratitude to the BCB for the donation and for showing so much interest in the welfare of the children at the orphanage.