Stabroek News

Ministry introducing new services at Amerindian hostel – Sukhai

The Amerindian Affairs Ministry says it has recorded a number of significant developments in 2009 and intends to introduce new services to benefit indigenous persons at the Amerindian hostel in Princes Street.

Pauline Sukhai

Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai told residents at the hostel’s annual luncheon held on Wednesday that government stands committed to improving their livelihoods and sustaining their cultures and traditions.

According to a Government Information Agency press release Sukhai said this commitment has been demonstrated in the delivery of health care, education, and assistance for income generating activities for indigenous persons.

She said too the performance of hinterland students attending secondary schools in Georgetown has significantly increased over the past few years and that more students are being offered scholarships.

In light of this, the minister said government has invested a large sum of money to construct a dormitory at Liliendaal, for Amerindian students attending schools in Georgetown. She also said the administration has established a number of health posts and health centres to provide health care to Amerindians and that several persons have been trained as community health workers, medexes, dentexes, community dental therapists and nurses to serve their own communities.

Further, Sukhai said the ministry also intends to make the issuance of birth certificates a priority in 2010. She highlighted that adults in hinterland communities must be in possession of birth certificates.

“When we visit communities you can see the generation gap that exist, with that gap many adults still do not have birth certificates,” the minister noted. To facilitate this process then ministry will be collaborating with the home affairs ministry which is responsible for the General Register Office.

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