The bloodied body of a man was yesterday morning found by a passerby slumped against a coconut tree on the Kingston seashore behind the Guyana Forestry Commis-sion and up to press time last evening he remained unidentified.

The dead man was fully clothed and his throat had been slashed. His face was also battered and one of his hands had what appeared to be defensive knife wounds.
According to a police press release, the body was discovered around 8 am.
The release said the man appeared to be between 35 to 40 years old and of mixed ethnicity. He was clad in long khaki pants, brown striped shirt and a pair of black sandals.
Stabroek News observed that his hair was in dreadlocks.
Police found a trail of blood drops a short distance from the body and possible indications that the assailant/s had been injured.
There was also what appeared to be blood on some rocks not far from the blood trail.
In that same area, police also found a machete but it was not clear if it was linked to the man’s death. From all indications the man was killed where he was found.
No one recalled hearing or seeing anything strange between the time the discovery was made and during the night.
The man who stumbled upon the body told the media that he was walking along the seawall around 8 am when he spotted it and he informed a friend.
He said the man was “crimped up” on his side and there was a metal object resembling a knife (but smaller) sticking out from a hole in his neck.
The man said the dead man’s face and hands had numerous cuts and the blood was still fresh.
When Stabroek News arrived at the scene, four armed and uniformed officers were standing near the body awaiting the arrival of crime scene officers.
They never arrived until 11 am when pictures were taken before the body was turned over and the man’s pants pockets searched for anything that might identify him. Police found nothing.
The officers later searched the area for clues.
The body is currently at the Lyken’s Funeral Home awaiting identification.
The police are asking anyone with information that may lead to the identification of the man to telephone 225-2227, 225-6411, 225-6940, 225-6941, 226-7065, 227-2128 or 911, or to visit the nearest police station.