Before his throat was slashed, Llewelyn Fitzgerald Cam-pbell was hit at the back of his head with a blunt object, a post-mortem examination yesterday revealed and a source said that the last time he was seen alive he had been planning to visit friends at the seawall. The cause of death was given as shock and hemorrhage as a result of blood loss from the throat wound.

As the police continued investigations into this latest murder, relatives of the trader yesterday remained baffled over his gruesome death.
One of his close friends yesterday confirmed that he left Bourda Market on Sunday saying that he was going to visit friends “on the seawall”. The police had said that they too received such reports.
The woman who requested that her name not be published said that she has known Campbell aka Elton for some ten years now and never knew him to have enemies.
According to her, he never had many friends and was always kind to those who were close to him.
She recalled that she saw him on Sunday morning when he left her house saying that he was going out. Before he left she said they gaffed and he was jovial as usual. She said there was nothing to indicate that he had troubles. She had asked him to run an errand for her but Campbell had indicated that he would be unable to do so. When she did not hear from him the next day, she visited the Bourda Market where he usually was but no one had seen him.
The woman stated that Campbell would go to Suriname and Cayenne, French Guiana where he would buy clothing and shoes to sell here. She said that he did journey to Suriname last November and decided not to return in December. Instead he opted to help a friend at Bourda Market pluck chickens for the Christmas season.
“Elton was nice to me. You could get he fuh do anything fuh yah. He always with a smile and got me laughing”, she said.
She, too, could not imagine what could have led to his death.
Campbell’s death is similar to that of actor Joel Fraser who was found in a pool of blood on the Liliendaal seawall last November. One relative said that after Campbell’s body was found people began trying to link the two.
The man’s bloodied body was found on Monday morning by a passer-by, slumped against a coconut tree on the Kingston seashore behind the Guyana Forestry Commis-sion.