Dear Editor,
One of the real problems of Guyana is that since independence successive governments have failed to make good use of the human resources available in Guyana for the overall development of this country. Instead there has been an unspoken policy which has led to the marginalization, political victimization, harassment and loss of much needed indigenous Guyanese human resource skills. Mr James Singh’s letter (‘The protection of our national patrimony and sovereignty are issues sacred to all Guyanese,’ SN, January 21) is a prime example of this. It is unfortunate that instead of putting Janette Bulkan’s expertise, knowledge and research to good use towards the sustainable development of Guyana’s forests, she is being accused of what appears to be in the mind of Mr James Singh treasonable offences. Mr Singh would be better advised to take this matter of Guyana’s national patrimony and sovereignty up with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the offending World Bank facility which are better placed to effectively deal with this serious matter.
Yours faithfully,
Danuta Radzik