Threatened by neighbours who are causing noise nuisance

Dear Editor,
For the past eighteen years I have lived in Friendship, EBD, in peace and quiet. Two years ago a young couple occupied the bottom flat of the house where I live. I had no problem with the previous tenant, and I have a good relationship with my landlord. This couple who now live in the bottom flat play loud music all day. When they are asked to turn the music down they become abusive and use threatening language.

I made several reports to the Grove Police Station and on two occasions the police came and warned the female occupant only, since the male occupant goes into hiding whenever they come. I made a report to the Commissioner’s office and I also sent a letter to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

On Thursday, February 4, a report was made at the Grove Police Station concerning the threats that we received again from the couple downstairs. A female officer took the report and promised to send a rank but no one came. On Friday 5th we could not leave our home for fear of being attacked by the couple. We had to call a relative and they came on Saturday 6th.

Both my companion and I have disabilities, and it is totally unfair for us to be treated in this way. The UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities spells out clearly that people with disabilities must enjoy a life of liberty and security from noise and abuse. I hope this letter will prompt the police to take the necessary action so that we could live in peace and quiet.

Yours faithfully,
Laurie Greenidge
National Federation of and for Disabled People

Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to the Commis-sioner of Police, Mr Henry Greene, for any comments he might wish to make.