Dear Editor,
As a radio and local television fan it is quite embarrassing that I have to wait to be away from my home community to be able to hear local radio. As for local television it is bombarded only by NCN news and programmes that are sometimes over a week old.
With all the developments taking place in the field of radio and television, in 2010 Kwakwani residents are still unable to hear any local radio in their homes, while the television programmes show every development except those in our own community or region.
As a participant in the Guyana poverty reduction strategy consultation from the community level to the national level, it is even more disgusting when one passes the signboard showing that over $23 million was spent to lay pipelines to rehabilitate the Kwakwani network. The pipelines were laid in mid 2004 and after nearly six years the Kwakwani community is still to benefit from this project. With the main road to the water treatment plant deteriorating and the pipelines exposed and becoming damaged, it would be safe to say that this is millions of dollars gone to waste.
So to quote from a reggae song, “I wonder who is responsible and don’t care a damn.”
Yours faithfully,
J A Morian