A letter writer in Saturday’s SN bemoans the tattered flags which adorn two government buildings in NA (‘Battered flags should be replaced,’ February 13). In one instance he observes that only the stick remains. The writer has touched on the subject of national pride which we haven’t been visibly demonstrating through national flags on our residences on occasions like Republic or Independence.
How I admired the battles of old with the standard bearers – no weapon but just the flag held high to boost the morale of the soldiers. On July 4 each year in the USA it is a beauty to behold the nationalistic pride of the nation which is visible through flags and various forms of decoration and entertainment. Our Guyanese in the diaspora are not left out as they too join in the celebrations.
I have a dream that one day Guyanese will regain that nationalistic spirit which will blind them to the misguided perceptions where nationalistic actions are identified as allegiance to the political party in power, and instead see themselves as a proud nation – ‘One nation, one people, one destiny.’
Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)