Region Four’s Shafdar Ali sent on leave …following audit report

According to a release from the Government Information Agency (GINA), Local Government and Regional Development Minister, Kellawan Lall disclosed that the preliminary report issued by the Auditor General’s   office has led to the intervention of the police to assess the situation for any trace of criminal violations.

According to the release, Ali and the RDC Expediter, Bharrat Persaud have since been sent on leave.

On January 30, the REO told Stabroek News that he was unaware of any investigation being carried out by the Auditor General’s office in connection with his alleged misuse of millions of dollars and arbitrary awarding of contracts to a few select contractors. He told this newspaper that he was on annual leave, and that he had letters to prove that he was on leave, since according to him some 104 days annual leave were due to him.