Dear Editor,
Guyana Water Incorporated wishes to respond to a letter, titled ‘A call on GWI to show compassion,’ (KN, March 6).
We wish to advise that it is not the aim of Guyana Water Incorporated to deny any customer adequate water supply. Mr Fortune failed to indicate in his letter that the customers of the Great Diamond Squatting Area were disconnected for non-payment of water service charges. GWI is currently executing a country-wide disconnection campaign, and has advised all customers that failure to pay any outstanding arrears will result in the disconnection of their service.
Following the disconnection of the customers in question, GWI officials from our Peter’s Hall Office on the East Bank Demerara met with customers of Great Diamond at a community meeting to explain that their revenue is urgently needed in order for GWI to continue to provide sufficient water service.
The names of all attendees were recorded and these persons were tasked with advising other residents of the issue of non payment. Subsequently, payments were made and the Great Diamond customers were reconnected on Thursday, March 4, 2010.
GWI wishes to advise all customers that it is absolutely essential to place priority on paying for their water service. The company utilizes the revenue from its customers to maintain its operations, which include 117 production sites.
We have noted that customers have failed to establish a link between the provision of water and the need to pay for the service. To educate our customers we have launched a community outreach programme, ‘GWI’s Community Connect,’ as well as a school education programme. A weekly television broadcast during prime time on NCN Channel 11 also emphasizes the issue of payment. These initiatives seek to foster an appreciation for the service GWI provides with the aim of educating customers about the need to pay for the service.
Permit me to remind all GWI customers with questions regarding billing to contact our Customer Services Call Centre on 227-8701 or via the e-mail address customercallcentre
Once again, Guyana Water Incorporated wishes to thank your publication for highlighting the problems which affect our customers. We remain firm in our commitment to educate our customers about the need to pay for the service provided by GWI.
Yours faithfully,
Timothy Austin
Public Relations Officer
Guyana Water Incorporated