Queries are being made to determine the origins of the three-toed sloth that was featured on the front page of our Tuesday edition.
The sloth was sighted at the top of the NP Electronics building, Robb Street, before it was coaxed down. Not knowing what to do with the animal, the electronic store workers contacted a neighbour who has a love for animals. The public-spirited citizen has since assumed custody and care of the animal, which is a baby according to markings on its back. It has since been placed in a mango tree in his yard. The possession of the animal does raise questions about the legality of obtaining and keeping it in a domestic setting. It was alleged that the owner of the sloth is a North Road resident; however, attempts to contact the person were unsuccessful.
When contacted, zoo officials said that because of the animal’s inability to survive in captivity, it would not be caged if is taken there. Instead, it would be released in the trees at the back of the zoo. Sloths, which are known to be captured for their meat, are on the list of endangered species.