The driver of the motorcar which crashed on Saturday leaving a Diamond housewife dead pleaded not guilty yesterday to causing death by dangerous driving when he appeared before Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, and he was subsequently granted $125,000 bail.

Marlon Murray, 34, of 112 First Street, Craig, East Bank Demerara allegedly on Saturday at Diamond Access Road, EBD, drove motor car PJJ 8789 in a manner dangerous to the public thereby causing the death of Cheryl David.
When the charge was read to him, a distraught Murray pleaded guilty. The magistrate explained that the offence carried a five-year jail term and a permanent suspension of his driver’s licence, but a visibly shaken Murray at this point still stuck to his plea.
However it was pointed out to the court that Murray had an attorney who was on his way and the magistrate set aside his matter until his counsel’s arrival.
Attorney-at-law Mark Waldron after a briefing about his client’s plea from the magistrate upon his arrival told the court that his client had pleaded guilty because he was driving at the time of the incident “but whether he is the cause of the VC’s death is another matter,” Waldron said.
At this point the charge was re-read to the defendant who then pleaded not guilty. Waldron, meanwhile, in his bail application told the court that his client was gainfully employed as a taxi driver of the said vehicle. His client plied his trade from the entrance to the Diamond Scheme into the same scheme, Waldron said.
When the magistrate pointed out the licence number after Murray’s occupation was stated, Waldron responded that he had instructed his client that it could be a breach of his road service licence and insurance as well. Waldron said he understood that the VC, David, along with another passenger was picked up at different points with their destination being the public road.
Waldron called the accident that subsequently occurred unfortunate but questioned whether a post-mortem was done to decide if the VC died as a result of injuries received from the crash or a heart condition which she suffered prior to the crash.
In closing his bail application Waldron stated that his client who had no antecedent, had never been arrested before, was not a flight risk and will dutifully attend court.
Meanwhile, Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield did not object to bail. Reading the facts, the prosecutor said that at 6.55 am while driving motor vehicle PJJ 8789, the defendant was proceeding west along the Diamond Access Road when he lost control of his vehicle and ended up in a culvert not far from the Diamond Secondary school.
David, the prosecutor added, received injuries and was taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where she was pronounced dead on arrival. No relatives of David were in court yesterday.
David was on her usual Saturday visit to the Stabroek Market when the accident occurred. She was 58 at the time of her passing and was a resident of the Diamond Housing scheme.
Murray was subsequently placed on $125,000 bail. He is to return to the Providence Magistrate Court on May 3 for report.